Watching pornography or even talking about pornography is largely frowned upon by society. Be that as it may, the stat on the pornographic activity that is carried out on the internet daily is earth-shattering. A recent study put the numbers at 68 million queries per day. Upwards of 28,000 people is watching porn every second of the day. 35% of all downloads on the internet have to do with pornography. Frowns or no frowns, the fact is, pornography is a wildly popular subject.
Nowhere is the effect of an over-sexualized society felt than in the escort business. Pornography has completely changed the way intimacy is perceived. Escorts bear the brunt of this new perception because of their line of work. Let us explore how the porn industry has dehumanized the escort business.
The actors on porn movies are depicted as sex objects to be used as one pleases. In porn videos, there is no regard for foreplay or an emotional connection. The escort package differs from pornography in that it is mainly about creating a warm pleasurable experience. Avid porn watchers approach escorts with unrealistic porn-fueled expectations. Ultimately, the client as well as the escort is disappointed.
Pornography glorifies certain sexual positions and practices that don’t really work in reality. Violence, bondage, brutality and aggression are some of the acts performed in porn but are not acceptable in reality. Clients who watch such material assume they can do the same to an escort since they are paying for the service.
How a porn watcher reach while having real fun?
Actors in pornographic movies usually fall within the basic pigeon-hole beauty dynamic of the modeling industry. This sets unrealistic standards in the minds of clients about the physical appearance of escorts. Beauty regimens like waxing, shaving, and/or bleaching of the genitals are common practice among porn stars. In turn, clients who watch porn set the same standards for escorts. Our source, an independent Chennai escort , expressed her frustration with the sheer amount of beauty regimens she has to keep up with just to live up to porn star standards.
The female orgasm in pornographic content is greatly exaggerated. Avid porn-watching clients transfer these expectations on to the escort. They have no working knowledge of how the female genitals or orgasm work. They expect the escort to perform contortions and loud orgasms coupled with squirting that is propelled a good 5 feet from the vagina. Ultimately, the escort as well as the client is both unhappy with the experience.
Escorts are all about comfortable relaxed pleasure and beautiful fantasies. It is difficult for them to create that kind of experience for porn-crazed clients. If you are looking to hire an escort, be prepared to go back to the basics of intimacy.